strength training

Get out of the Gym-Add Sprint Training to Your Regimen

Just like most fitness minded folks out there, I do tend to get into a routine with my workouts. I do an intense, whole body strength training program a couple of times a week. It is very efficient and effective as far as maintaining a high level of strength, low body fat levels and a high […]

The Said Principle and Sport Training

My son came home from college last week and reconnected with many of his high school friends. A favorite pastime for them was a friendly game of pick up basketball at the local rec center, and they put together a game and invited me to join them. It sounded like fun, so I accepted.  Three […]

Bad Leg Press Breaks Leg

It had to happen sooner or later. Someone got injured doing a leg press with a load that was way too heavy for him to use. Minor injuries do happen from lifting weights, but this one looked very serious. As near as I can tell, he snapped either his femur or tibia. The video is no longer […]

Explosive Exercise: Do We Need It?

Every time I do an initial consultation with a potential client who has past experience with weight training, and has participated in high school and college sports; more specifically foot ball, baseball, and Lacrosse, they use explosive movements when lifting the weight on every set that I have them to do. This, even after I explain […]

Success Story: 30 lb Fat Loss in Six Months

Andrew looked us up in February of 2016 for guidance in losing fat and improving his overall health. Six months later he has lost 30 lbs of fat and looks incredible. I took photos of Andrew the first day, but I had Andrew keep his shirt on so we really cannot see the remarkable changes. I did, however, […]

Success Story: Nine lbs of Muscle in Five Months

This blog is a commendation to a client of mine. Alec approached me in late February for my guidance in helping him gain muscle. He is a young guy who is very slender and has the type of frame that is very difficult to put on muscle. He is, in the business, what is called a hard […]

Good Questions

I recently received a questionnaire directed at fitness trainers from a book publisher. The purpose of the questionnaire is for a book that the publisher could distribute to people who may be interested in finding a competent fitness professional. I think it is a good project, and I was happy to take the time out […]

“The Biggest Loser”: A Re-examination of the “Set Point” Thoery

It finally happened. A researcher was curious enough to see what happened metabolically to the people who went through the rigorous diet and exercise routines that must be followed on the show “The Biggest Loser” several years later. The results were sobering but unsurprising. The researcher, Kevin D Hall and his colleagues, published their study […]

I Finished My Book

Hi all. My sincerest apologies for not posting for quite some time. I was working diligently on my book Proven Strategies for Cellulite Loss , and it was very time consuming toward the end of the project. I had to learn how to use all of the features of the open office program I was using for […]

“40 Minutes a Week to Buff” Part 2

In my last post, “40 Minutes a Week to Buff” Part 1, I made the claim that through proper signalling one can lose fat and gain muscle at a steady pace with only two twenty-minute workouts a week coupled with a restricted carbohydrate diet. I also go into detail how the Hystrength (sm) program works. […]